
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work is a foundation learning centre based in Burgh-Haamstede, in the Netherlands. Its mission is to promote the (career) development of people with a (significant) distance to the labour market and the society, like vulnerable groups and others who need coaching, training and counselling in a wide variety of sectors and topics. PRO WORK operates in sectors like ICT sustainability, environment, economy, health care and technology, entrepreneurship, talent development of youngsters, innovations, unemployment and generation gaps. In these projects a broad range of methods, instruments are developed and implemented, both on an operational as political level, by a consortium existing of companies, regional training(education) centres, government (local, regional, national, European), target group representatives, sectoral representatives, and knowledge centres.

The foundation shows a strong interest in social issues such as social exclusion and early school leaving and is its goal to try to moderate their effect on the community through innovative learning methodologies and tools.

Die Berater – Austria

The core competence of “die Berater” is adult education and training. die Berater® offers holistic consulting, coaches employees and managers, and is specialised in soft skills, language and IT seminars. The portfolio is targeted at individuals, companies of all sizes and industries, as well as the public sector, e.g. the Austrian Employment Service (AMS), ministries, the European Commission, and other stakeholders of the education system.

die Berater® works in around 45 branches across Austria. Since the foundation of the company in 1998 around 350.000 people have participated in the training offers of its approximately 200 training programmes per year. To become fit for the labour market or to update and expand their professional and personal competences in the spirit of lifelong learning.

As consultants, die Berater® support private businesses and organisations in their strategic development while always focusing on the persons employed as the core asset of a company.

At the core of die Berater®’s seminars, workshops, and coaching and consulting sessions is the principle of appreciation and the acknowledgement of existent knowledge and experience of the individual person. In die Berater® ‘s corporate culture fair play, respect tolerance and social responsibility are central values.

Headway A.E. – Greece

Headway (est. 1996) is a social development consulting firm, missioned to improve the lives and livelihoods of citizens, driving transformations that have a significant, positive impact on society. To do so, we address some of the world’s most pressing issues, from a holistic perspective so as to meet the needs of present generations without jeopardising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. This means setting immediate and longer-term objectives, taking local and global action and addressing social, economic and environmental issues as interdependent components of human progress.

Our activities span across the following overarching areas: Research & Development: We conduct evidence-based research and human-centric approaches, in order to design forward-looking solutions from concept to scale; Policy Advisory Services: We design, test and implement policy initiatives and we advocate for policy changes and reforms that will support sustainable development; Impact Assessment: We help private and public stakeholders across sectors to measure and evaluate the impact of their actions on welfare; Capacity Building: We develop and deliver innovative educational programmes to individuals, and organisations, focusing on technical capacity building, organizational development, leadership and management development, advocacy and policy development, community mobilisation and engagement, digital literacy and skills, and sustainable development.

KMOP is one of oldest civil society organisations in Greece with 45 years of experience in direct provision of social services and implementation of social initiatives in supporting vulnerable individuals.

KMOP studies and analyses pressing societal challenges in order to understand society, proposes innovative interventions, educates, and develops the know-how to address social issues based on fairness, innovation, sustainability and balanced development. It actively supports individuals and communities through the direct provision of social services and educational opportunities, the implementation of innovative initiatives, research and impactful policy design.

KMOP Policy Center was established by KMOP, in 2020, with the aim to conduct in-depth research, produce impactful, evidence-based policies, and advocate on social issues. Capitalising on KMOP’s long experience in the provision of social services, KMOP Policy Center analyses, designs, and recommends policies that promote social welfare, individual well-being and equal opportunities, bringing real change for individuals and communities. In particular, our mission is to provide comprehensive insights on designing policies with a positive social impact.

Aproximar (APX) aims to enhance people, communities and organisations’ human and social capital as a strategy to strengthen their capacity to deal with existing and emerging challenges and opportunities. The mission is accomplished daily by co-designing and developing tailor-made social innovation, good practices exchange, and transference-driven projects, besides delivering its own pack of empowering and capacity building services: training, consultancy, and social intervention.

APX develops, implements, and provides services in 4 main sectors: 1) Education and Community Empowerment (2007); 2)Economy, Employability and Entrepreneurship (2009); 3) Criminal Justice System (2012); and 4) Active Ageing and Dependent Care (2016). Our offer (programmes) always combines social science (knowledge), active methods (people) and suitable tools (technology).

The APX team provides services that benefit/impact professionals/practitioners, trainees, volunteers and persons with disadvantaged backgrounds, & (trans)national partner organisations (public and private, non-profit and for profit) on a daily basis.

“Con Valores” association (ACV) is a non-profit organization working for work reintegration & social economy. The association was born out of the experience of one of its founders, Melquiades Lozano, who worked for 20 years as a high-level businessman in Spanish companies. At some point in his life, he realized that he wanted to help people at a disadvantage and he started volunteering, accompanying homeless people on the streets. During a decade of volunteering, he observed that the world of business was completely disconnected from societal issues. He then decided to take the matter into his own hands: he transformed his professional career as a business developer to become the manager of a professionalized and business-oriented organization: Asociación Con Valores.

We are creating bridges between the business & social spheres in order to implement an inclusive approach that supports entrepreneurship for people at risk of exclusion. ACV is formed by business professionals who share their know-how in order to create a fairer society. Our mission is to use our business experiences and contacts to support new companies developed by socially excluded groups. Our business vision is crucial and fundamental to match social organisations needs. It allows us to identify, to generate and to boost work opportunities.

Eesti Eduhub Oü – Estonia

Eesti EduHub is a newly established Estonian education and training organization, which provides knowledge, skills and competencies through innovative learning and development solutions, covering multiple areas and industries, tailored to meet the needs of adults, young people and business community. EduHub fosters local development by promoting entrepreneurship, soft skills development, innovation, sustainable business development, social responsibility, networking, digital and green skills and job specific skills. The main aim is to promote the continuous professional and personal development of European citizens, through cultural, educational, economic, and social related activities.

Moreover, EduHub staff members have expertise in youth non-formal education sector (youth teachers, researchers, project managers, trainers working with youngsters). They worked as mentors and carrer guidance experts and are involved in local, regional and national networks of collaborators and stakeholders. EduHub is a newcomer to Erasmus+ project as organisation, but its staff have already participated in a great number of EU funded projects related to education and training delivering training courses for different types or organisations and people.